Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Farm Camp!

Today we were off to see Aunt Annie, Cousin Delane & Cousin Shaye at their "Farm Camp". We went last year & Adam had too much fun, so we just had to join them again this year! I only told Adam a couple days ago we were going, as I knew he wouldn't stop asking about it...and sure enough, I'm glad I waited!

Adam loved holding the bunnies...look at that GREAT smile! (Oh, and if you haven't noticed in the last few posts...Adam got a summer buzz cut!) To say the least, the goats were his favorite! He was quite enamored with them! (His eyes are open...he is just looking down, as he says, "Cheese!" without actually smiling!)
And Ava loved the rocking horse! (She wanted nothing to do with riding the live horse!) Last year, Ava was only 3 months and busy nursing...this year she joined in on the real fun!
Thanks Annie, Delane & Shaye for having us again...we loved it!