And of course she was the Special Person at Preschool...oh, how she was loving it!
She brought her balancing butterfly to was a hit!
Time for presents...a NEW BIKE...complete with a basket and streamers!
In is her favorite colors...purple & pink!...With polka dots!
A & A...
SO, SO excited...a surfing Barbie movie! Thanks Tini, Carolyne & Uncle Bill!
Showing us her surfing moves!...
My sweet girl...
Daddy's Jelly Bean...
According to Ava she turned 4½ today! Her reasoning...she turned 4 on Saturday when she had her now she is 4½, of course! Oh, how we adore Ava and her fabulous personality! She always keeps us laughing! Ava Jean Jelly Bean we love you SO much and are SO very proud of you! xoxo!