Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Off to Adam's last baseball game for the season...I meant to take a picture of him all suited up in his uniform at the beginning of the season, but we always seem to be running a little late...oops!  A great year it was for him...getting better every day! (And more interested too...ha!)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

NW Trek

Today Adam's class took a field trip to Northwest Trek & I got to chaperon!

On the tram...Hello bison!

If you look close, you can see 2 bison calves...

It was amazing how close the animals were to the tram...

 Adam & Greyden...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Off to the Fire Station...

Today Ava's Preschool class had their trip to the fire station...1 of 3 'community' visits (we also went to the Library & Albertsons).  The fire station is certainly the favorite.  Ava insisted she needed her sunglasses today!

Mags & Aves...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ava Lost her 1st Tooth!

Today Ava lost her 1st tooth!  The Tooth Fairy brought her a lollipop & fifty cents (or as Ava said...2 coins!)...Wow!

Baseball with Adam...

LOVE this one...

 Grass picking time...
 Sliding into home...
Thanks Heidi for more fabulous photos of our lucky we are!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week...

The ever fabulous...Mrs. Stephens!
Adam's sweet Kindergarten class...everyone gave Mrs. Skaga a flower to make a beautiful bouquet for her!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Poppy & Gramma Time...

Oh, how we love our time with Poppy & Gramma...
Ava is quite the helper these days...she pulls up her chair & she is ready to work!
Story time with Poppy...
And with Gramma...
And oh, how A & A LOVE to play games on Poppy & Gramma's iPads!
We love you 'Pop' (Adam's new shortened version!) & Gramma! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Catcher Boy...

Adam LOVES to be the catcher...he volunteers every chance he gets!
He is good about keeping track of the batters missed swings & is always sure to let the coaches know...ha!

Ava's 1st Official Home Depot Kids Workshop Visit...

Now that Ava is 4, it's her turn to start building too!  She's all set with her official 'Home Depot' apron (& headband, of course!)...
Busy at work...
The finished project...a flower planter!
Poppy always makes for a good helper...
Complete with a strawberry plant!...
One down, 99 to go!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Nice Stache!

Who are you people?
Crazy family...
The 'Stache' Family...wait, Daddy lost his stache!
Silly Gramma & Poppy... looks too real!
Thanks Gramma & Poppy for bringing the fun!

Pretty Nails & Pretty Toes!

Poppy & Gramma arrived today...yay!  For one of Ava's birthday treats...Gramma treated Ava (per request by Ava...ha!) to the nail salon...oh, how Ava LOVED that!  She picked purple sparkly with flowers for her nails...& blue sparkly with flowers for her toes...beautiful!
Ava & Gramma...
Pretty nails...(& thanks for the fun flip flops too, Gramma!)
Thanks Gramma!  I love you! xoxoxo...Ava

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ava's Preschool Mother's Tea...

Today was our Mother's Tea...what fun it was to see AVA up there!  SO sweet!  I am SO proud of my Ava Jean!
Her very girly class...literally!
Me & my pretty girl...

Thanks for the FABULOUS artwork Ava! (& Heidi too!)
Thanks Ava for this special moment!  I loved it & I LOVE YOU!! xoxoxoxoxo...Mommy