Friday, March 2, 2012

A Fun Day at the Aquarium...

Today we were off to the Seattle Aquarium with Laoise & Ainsley.  And I can't believe it, but this was Ava's first trip there!...Looking back through the blog ( memory source!), the last & only other time we went was with my college girls & their families...way back when I was pregnant with Ava!  Wow!...I thought for sure we had been there since...but for as many pictures as I take, I know there would be proof!  Anyway...we had a fun time!

The kiddos in front of the ever large fish tank...
Well, I am glad we finally brought Ava...she LOVED the touch tanks!  And spent a LONG time there!

Adam & the octopus...

All 3 of the kiddos got to feed the Sea Anemones...they sure liked that!
Ava does a great 'eel' impression...especially one caught by a diver!
Watching the diver in the 'big' tank...
Adam & Ainsley LOVED putting on all the gear...I think we were probably there for an hour!
The diving duo...

Just hanging with the otters...

After we got our fill...up to the Pike Place Market we went...first a stop at the ever famous 'Gum Wall'...yum!

And this is how our trip ended...lucky Ainsley!
Thanks Laoise & Ainsley for the fun day!