Monday, August 15, 2011

Another Fabulous Beach Day...

Today we headed south to Laguna and randomly (& thankfully) found Crystal Cove State Park...Adam said, "Mom, 'Crystal Cove', just like in Scooby Doo!"  I love that kid!...Wow, what a GORGEOUS beach & a GREAT spot!

And once again I asked Ava to smile, and once again here comes the many faces of Ava...
Getting closer...
Here we go...
This one is my favorite...goof ball!
Adam & the boogie board he loves!  (When we returned to Gig Harbor...Adam asked if he could get a boogie board for our beaches...I had to break it to him that we don't get those kind of waves up here...Sorry bud!)
Someone made a race car in the sand, & when he left, Carolyne & Adam thought they would give it a spin!...
Our Ava Jean Jelly Bean...or for short, we call her 'Bean'

After the beach, we headed to the Anderson's...& took our annual (or bi-annual, or every couple years) "Kevin & Erik with their kiddos" shot...these two boys have been buddies since their freshman year in high school...
And then home...Ava, Out!
Lucky Carolyne!
I know I have my favorite memories & things I remember about going to my Grandma & Grandpa's house in Montana...I have a feeling going to the beach will be one of Adam's & Ava's 'things' they'll always remember!