Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Ava!

Good morning Birthday Girl! "Happy Birthday Pretty Girl!"..."Thank you, Adam!" (So sweet!...Melts our hearts!)
Happy girl!
"Wake up Poppy! It's my birthday!"
French Toast for Ava's birthday breakfast, coming in like an airplane...

Ava, how old are you?...2!

Ava is our VERY independent she of course wanted to do it herself!..."I do it!"
A not so happy brother who SO badly wants to help!
"Thank you Adam!"...

Busy at work with her new favorite...Wedgits!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Ava, Happy Birthday to you!
A little help from Adam does the trick!

And a lick of the cake to top it off!
Happy Birthday Sweet Ava! We love you! XOXO!