Saturday, June 20, 2009

Congratulations Cousin Alli!

Thanks to my Mom giving me her old camera (not really that old...she just got a newer one!)...I am back in action...thanks Mom!

Today we are off to cousin Alli's high school graduation party...Ava looked too cute in her new outfit...we had to snap some pre-party pictures! And the back...
And finally, Ava's way of saying "cheese"!
Scott & Annie have real horses & play ones...Adam LOVES them all! (He also rode "Mickey"...a real horse...(Adam rides him every time we are here and talks about him ALL the time!)...but I was busy chatting!) Wow...doesn't he look so old in this picture!
Another "Cheese"! for Ava...
Sweet cousin Ashtyn...
Ava thought the trampoline was hilarious! And Adam had no problem bouncing her around!
Loving it!
The swing is always a favorite, too!
Ava is hit or miss with pools...she seems to be enjoying them more & more. We put her in this tugboat and she just chilled, floating around for probably a solid hour!

I never did get a picture with Alli...oops!