Saturday, June 28, 2008

Crossing the Tacoma Narrows

Today we took the long awaited (well, Kev has been wanting to since about February...but I made him wait until it was warmer & I was no longer pregnant!) walk across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Something we felt we should do as Gig Harborians! We felt a bit touristy (is that a word?) taking photos, but did so to have proof that "We did it!" We used our new HUGE double stroller (Thanks Nana!) for the first time...& loved it!

Here we go...
Half way there...(feeling really touristy now, having someone take the photo for us!) And notice the kids are both sound asleep!
We did it!
A gorgeous day! Yes, that is Mt. Rainer in the background.
We then went and relaxed on the beach down below the bridge...
Ava enjoying the shade!
Oh, the water was COLD!
Exhausted after our exciting day! (I couldn't the arms!)