Thursday, December 30, 2010

Go Dawgs!

We are very happy Huskies! (Adam's excitement put him right to sleep!)Mark & Kevin couldn't be happier! PBR all around!
FINALLY a win at the Holiday Bowl! Go Dawgs!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa Claus has come!

Oh, the excitement & fun!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

Oh, What Fun!

We decided this year...with a little push from Adam & open our gifts Christmas Eve morning...why not? Oh, what fun!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Today Adam picked out his gift for Ava & helped me wrap it...followed by making a tag for her...I overheard him saying, "Dear Ava, I love you so much! Merry Christmas! Love, Adam" heart melted! And this is what it looked like... As for Ava's tag for Adam...just a pretty picture!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Our Hurley Christmas

5 Hurley cousins...with one more on the way! (just to clarify...NOT from me...the other side!) The goofballs!
Our sweethearts...
Always a comedian...
The two hams of the group!
Nana's crew...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The North Pole in Gig Harbor...

Tonight we visited a local Gig Harbor family who has a love for trains (okay, just the Dad has the love!) WOW, now this is a hobby! He starts setting up the trains & village in his garage in August to have it ready just in time for Christmas! And with all that work, who wouldn't want to share it with the neighbors! We happen to stop by when no one else was he let Adam drive them! Look at this!...It was very impressive!

Adam's Christmas Program

Today was Adam's Preschool Christmas Program...SO CUTE! My heart melted...several times! He has been working so hard...especially on memorizing & the signing of his Bible verse...& he nailed it...Yay!Followed with a few songs...the teacher encouraged us to practice with them at home...I asked Adam a couple times if he wanted to practice with me...his response, "No Mom, it's a surprise!"
The "Rum Pum Pum Pum" all the kids called it!
Maggie & Ava liked it!
Adam's FABULOUS teachers...Mrs. Fouquette & Mrs. Stephens...
Adam's Best Friends...Claire & Aiden! (Yes...twins!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

O Christmas Tree

Adam & Ava were VERY excited to decorate the tree this year! So, we let them! (With a little help & supervision!)
So serious!

All done & it looks great!...It looks just like a 2 & 4 year old decorated it!...Beautiful!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saying "Good-bye"...

I know it's just a car...but I LOVED my Jeep! (Ask Kev how much?!) Today it was time to say good-bye...a little sad for me...Kevin & I bought it when we were engaged and I brought my two babies home from the hospital in it...but then again, Adam did get car sick in it a lot too! So, we say...Good-bye!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Adam's Wish List for Santa...

Adam wanted to make his Wish List for Santa...just like Brother Bear & Sister Bear, of course! Do you recognize most of the letters?!...The 4 he knows best..."A"-"D"-"A"-"M"! According to Adam, the top two are "Hot Wheel Race Tracks" & the bottom three are "Remote Control Cars" in different colors! Santa is prepared...with only one of each...& we're still working on what color he really wants!