Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

The crew...
Such a good big brother...
You know it's a long night, when Adam grows a "stache"!...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Go Huskies!

Off to the Husky game we go! Oh, it was a wet one! A little pre-game field & tunnel tour...Adam didn't want to join us for a family this is what we got!
Again, Adam didn't want to join us for a family photo! Don't we look like we are in front of a green screen...we aren't...we really are there!
I asked Ava to smile for a picture...this is what I we go!
Adam cheering away!...& Ringing the cowbell, of course! (Both the kids were cheering quite a bit...oh, how it melts our purple hearts!..."Go Huskies!"..."Go Jake!"..."Go Jake Locker!" (Ava's favorite!)..."Good throw, Jake!"...LOVE IT!
It would have been a cute picture, if Ava could stop eating for it! Oh well!

Missing Poppy & Gramma...

Kev found a very sad Ava in the corner of Adam's room & when he asked her what was wrong, she said..."I miss my Poppy & Gramma"!
I had to get a picture!...So sad, but too cute!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

Adam drawing his spooky face for Daddy to carve... Ava just drawing!
The carving begins...& Adam needing to be right there to help!
Scooping out the seeds...
Ava really got into it...grunting & joke! Look at that face...
The finished product...
So proud!
Loving it!
We're ready!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Preschool Pumpkin Party!

Adam & his fabulous teacher, Mrs. costume, of course!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Off to a Costume Party...

Mommy didn't want them to get their "real" Halloween costumes, Spiderman & a Princess they are! (Looks familiar?...Ava's pretty princess dress was Carolyne's flower girl dress in our wedding!)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Party Girl!

Ava is off to a birthday party with the girls...& no mommy! Wow, what a big girl!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Special Person Day

Oh, how Adam loves to be the Special Person...big smiles!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Off to the Pumpkin Patch...

Today we were off to Hunter's Pumpkin Patch in certainly is more than just a pumpkin patch...lots of fun things to do!
The maze...with a little direction from the Mommies, they did great!

On to the Carousel...

Powered by man...impressive!
Down the BIG slide...even I wanted to go! So fun!

An ATV ride for Adam...
And a train ride for Ava...
Happy Girl!
And finally, the actual pumpkin patch...on this fabulous Fall day!
Adam's pick...
Ava's pumpkin pick...
All the girls...& Adam eating a sandwich - goofball!
Where's Kev? Oops!...I never did get a picture with him in it...but he was with us!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Go Fish!

Today Kevin & Pete went fishing...& returned with 4 salmon...yummy!
The real fisherman at work...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Look what I made, Mom!

Adam was so proud of his creation, I had to take a picture!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Princesses...

Sweet Princess Emily & Sweet Princess Ava!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Michelle & Tim's Wedding...

Congratulations Michelle & Tim! My Rock Star date & dance partner...
My girls...
The beautiful bride...
To say the least, the dancing is always Dude's & my favorite part...maybe because we are such the Rock Stars...ha! Well, Ray was kind enough to capture a couple moments on camera & I couldn't resist adding them, because I can't stop laughing at these shots! (I can see why my neck was so sore the next day...along with my large shin bruise thanks to Dude!)
HOT! Love the air guitar!

This is the last wedding of the high school girls...we certainly ended it on a bang!