Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kappa Reunion...

It's been 10 years since we graduated from UW and 14 years since I first met these girls at Kappas...after all these years, the laughing still hasn't stopped!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Adam's Ready...

...for winter & the snow to come! Sweet dreams!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ava's Big Girl Bed!

Today Ava got her Big Girl bed...A very happy girl! (When we first set it up...she walked in and said..."Cool!...Awesome!")
Sweet dreams Ava Jean!

(Adam was excited for Ava, but wanted the top of his bunk bed back!)

I just LOVE these two!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Oh, What Fun!

The Lembergs & Beams were in town for the Husky game...thanks to the Herrmanns for hosting all of us...19 adults & 19 kiddos...oh, what fun!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to You!

It's finally time for that Poppy & Gramma have arrived! Oh, the excitement!
Ava was already asleep...we'll do it again tomorrow...with half a cake!

Special Person...

Today was Adam's 1st Special Person Day of the year...he was super excited! Ava & I spent the day with him at preschool...she was super excited! He wanted to bring his Husky helmet to share...Go Dawgs!
Adam didn't keep it on long enough to snap a picture...or I wasn't quick enough!

Happy Birthday Kev...Kevie...Kevin...Dad...Dada...Daddy!

Wait...whose birthday is it?

Adam got Daddy matching (to his) Spiderman underwear...nice!

We LOVE you!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Adam's preschool teacher is also a it!

Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day of Preschool...

Today is Adam's 1st day of Preschool...well, of year 2! He was so excited to go!Ava is excited for Adam...& wishes she could go too!
All ready to meet his teacher, Mrs. Stephens!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today Adam's soccer team, "The Awesome Possums" had their first set of soccer games...what fun! Adam did a GREAT job & even scored a goal...yeah! He looked back at us and gave us a thumbs up! He was so excited...and so were we!

Kicking off...
Go Adam!
Water break...
Adam's team has 3 girls & 3 boys...all blonds!
Go Awesome Possums! (Thanks Coach Dave!)
Nana was here for the big day!

Oh, how fun it is to be starting this phase of our kid's & sports...we are ready!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How many kids fit in the bed for movie time?

All 7 of them when their Mommies & Daddies are trying to watch the end of the game!

A True Fan...

Dawg Saturday is an all day event...even when your watching cartoons!

Hello Dawg Fans!

Today is the first Dawg Saturday of 2010...& we are ready! Go Huskies!

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Gorgeous Day to Kayak!

We have been wanting to go kayaking in the Gig & today was the day to do it!
Happy Ava!
Had to get a photo in front of Tides Tavern (behind me to the right)!...Too bad we had the kids with us!
Happy Adam! (& notice Mt. Rainier in the distance behind his head!)
The Welcoming (& construction) sign for the official water entrance to Gig Harbor...

What fun we had!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's Soccer Time...

Today is Adam's 1st day of practice for outdoor soccer...he loves his new cleats!Ava wanted to take a picture with Adam too...they both look so grown up!