Monday, May 31, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ball Game...

Thanks Poppy & Gramma for taking us out to the ball game!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Iron Man...

The downside to "Show & Tell" at Preschool...Adam always wanting the toys other kids brought to share! Usually he'll ask for a couple days and forget about it...but not this Iron Man helmet & hand shooter...he wouldn't let down...thanks Gramma for coming to the rescue! Adam LOVES it!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fire! Fire!

All week Adam has been learning and then teaching me about Fire Safety...Stop, Drop & Roll (& according to Adam..."& Crawl"...under the smoke of course!) All in anticipation for their field trip to one of Gig Harbor's 9 fire stations (yes, we have 9 fire stations in Gig Harbor...don't call us small town folk!) was the big!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sunny Day...Yeah!

What better way to enjoy than run through the sprinkler...with a swimming mask on, of course!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Mommy!

We had a fun day at the zoo...the only thing Adam & Ava didn't want to do was take a picture with Mommy! Oh, how I love these two monkeys!
Well, Adam had a change of heart!...

Thanks family for the perfect day!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ready to Swim!

Today we went to Nana's to go swimming...Adam was ready the whole car ride there!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Day at Preschool with Adam...

Today Adam was the "Special Person" Ava & I spent the day with him at, fun!

Listening to the teacher during circle time (for now!)...
Spelling his name & pointing out the vowels...Great Job Adam!
No surprise, Ava doing her own thing!
Special Person time...
For "Show & Tell" Adam brought his buffalo was a hit!
Bison Boy leading the "Pledge of Allegiance"...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Mother's Tea...

Adam's Preschool hosted us Moms for a Mother's Tea today...what fun! We were treated to a few homemade gifts...a FABULOUS hat, a sweet picture frame with a picture of Adam, of course & a darling tote! Then they sang to us...loved it, all of it!

My Adam and I...wearing my new hat, of course! For the last few weeks, Adam has been singing and showing me some of the motions he was learning for their bits and pieces, of course! Today, it all came together!

I was so impressed with Adam...he knew his moves!

Of course Adam was standing next to "his girl", Claire! They ADORE each other!
A proud Mama I am! I had to get another photo with my Adam and my hat!

Thank you Adam! I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH! xoxo...Mommy

Sunday, May 2, 2010

More Poppy Love...& Laughs too!

Oh how Poppy makes Adam laugh...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Ava!

Good morning Birthday Girl! "Happy Birthday Pretty Girl!"..."Thank you, Adam!" (So sweet!...Melts our hearts!)
Happy girl!
"Wake up Poppy! It's my birthday!"
French Toast for Ava's birthday breakfast, coming in like an airplane...

Ava, how old are you?...2!

Ava is our VERY independent she of course wanted to do it herself!..."I do it!"
A not so happy brother who SO badly wants to help!
"Thank you Adam!"...

Busy at work with her new favorite...Wedgits!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Ava, Happy Birthday to you!
A little help from Adam does the trick!

And a lick of the cake to top it off!
Happy Birthday Sweet Ava! We love you! XOXO!