Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ava's Ready for Soccer!

Today is Ava's 1st soccer practice!  She is SO excited & SO cute in her pink!  Go get 'em Aves!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day...

Kevin's first day of his new job!...Brown & Brown Insurance...We are so proud of you, Babe/Daddy! We love you!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Carolyne's Big Day & Saying Goodbye...

Good morning sweet Ava!
Carolyne's 1st day of school...of her last year of elementary!
Such a pretty girl...& stylish too!
She gets it from her Mom...
It was my turn for a picture with Carolyne, but she saw some boys across the street & got embarrassed...Wow, how quickly Auntie got denied...I DON'T THINK SO!

Love this girl!
Now, I get my picture...ha!
I want two...
So sweet!  Have a great day, Carolyne!
And we say goodbye...for now!  LOVE you all...xo!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Family Night...again! Love it!

Adam & his Uncle Bill...
You know it's been a long day/week when this happens...Sweet dream Ava Bean!

Poppy Time!

Oh how Poppy loves his succulents!  & Oh how Poppy loves his grandkiddos!  Put them together & it could just be his heaven on earth!
P.S.  Love the look Ava!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bathing Beauty...

The traditional bath in the this a Claridge thing??  Oh, are just SO stinkin' cute...even during bath time!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Off to Malibu for some Fun in the Sun!

AG & Adam...
 Muscle Man Uncle Dan!

Nice finish Kev!
Uncle Kevie & Carolyne...
Uncle Dan, Poppy & Gramma took the kiddos on a hike up to the top of the rock....Kev & I opted for some quiet time to ourselves!  (If you look closely, you can see them up there!)
A day at the beach always makes for a great appetite...& smiles all around!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Family Night!

My Sweet Carolyne & Sweet Olive...Can't get enough of these two! 

Uncle Dan's toy...the 'Rhino'...

The girls...
Had to get another...too sweet!
And another!
Adding in the boys...all 6 grandkiddos!
Gramma & Poppy's 'Heaven on Earth'!...
Love it!
Getting silly!
The WHOLE family!
Adam getting his time with Olive...
Loving Olive Bear...
One more!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Off to California (to FINALLY meet our sweet Olive!)...

Oh, a happy moment for me...holding sweet Olive girl for the first time!
I'm in LOVE!  (Thanks Mom for dressing Olive in her favorite onesie!)
Ava was SO excited to hold baby Olive...
And of course, Adam was too!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Our Lemonade Stand...

Today, Adam & Ava had their 1st Lemonade Stand! They were so excited & pumped...they had been asking all summer long to have one! It started off great...a few customers right off the bat (who tipped well too!)...then after a LONG lull (Well, in kid time is was LONG...about 10 minutes!) one more customer, but that was it!  We made them stick it out for an hour, which wasn't easy...especially for Adam!  It may just be the 1st & last lemonade stand we have!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lucky Adam!

What fun to see baby Violet...again!  We sure like getting all this playtime in with the Kappa crew & kiddos!