Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rainy Zoolights...

 Scuba Diving Santa...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Ava certainly has wandering eyes when it comes to taking pictures...but here she gets more credit, as she kept getting distracted by her decorations falling off her 'Gingy'...time & time again!  We couldn't stop laughing!

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Stroll in the Gig...

The 'Sturleys'...

Tini's well done interpretation of Ava taking a picture...oh, those wandering eyes!...HA!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Crackers...

It wouldn't be Christmas Dinner without our Christmas Cracker Crowns!
 The boys...
The girls...

Merry Christmas!

The annual 'official' family photo...
Oh, how I love these two...

Christmas Morning...Stockings!

Ava's BIG excitement...Cocoa Almond Spread (Yes, Santa too shops at Trader Joe's!)...otherwise known to Ava & Mommy as 'Chocolate on a Spoon'...yummy!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve!

Adam's BIG excitement...the ever infamous DSi from Tini!  (oh and Bill & Carolyne too!)  Here we go...
The most comfy way to 'watch' A Christmas Story (Kev's tradition!...Lucky us!) for the umpteenth time...

The Sterns are Here! Ths Sterns are Here!

To say we have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Tini, Bill & Carolyne...would be a HUGE understatement!  WE ARE SO EXCITED they are HERE!  Off to dinner to celebrate!...

Back together again...
Our sweet, sweet girls...
LOVING it!...
If we don't say it enough while you are here...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for coming to see us!...WE LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Our Hurley Family Christmas...

Nana & the kiddos...
Our sweet girlies...with their new Olivia dolls & bunny slippers...too cute!  Thanks Nana!
Tate LOVED his new bear that played peek-a-boo with was hilarious to watch how funny he thought it was!
Our BIG boys!  Adam just adores these two...they are inseparable when we are together (especially Adam & Ryder!...Chase likes to take breaks to play games with his Aunt Kate!), whether they are playing, wrestling, or eating...they want to be right next to each other and doing what the other ones are doing...of course, laughing & giggling is very sweet to lucky we are!
 Baby Tate...
What fun we had!  Thanks Brandy & Brian for hosting us!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Adam's First Elementary School Performance...

Well, here we go!  I know we will see many performances over the next 8 years in this auditorium...and most of the not-so-great pictures will look the same...they even look like the ones my Mom took of me way back when!  But what fun it is to see your kiddo up there performing...even if it's just for 5 minutes of the entire 45 minute school-wide show!
Adam is always easy to spot...the tall kid in the back row!
Thanks for shooting me a smile, Bud!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ava's Christmas Program...

Today was Ava's Preschool Christmas Program...SO sweet!  Ava was so excited for the big show!  Here are all the adorable kiddos in her class before the show...thanks to Mrs. Stephens for sending this photo my way!
Ava is the youngest one in her class & she is our very independent child...we weren't quite sure what to expect...BUT...she did GREAT!  Kevin & I were very impressed & are SO proud of our Jelly Bean!  We especially loved it when she waved to us in the audience...SO enthusiastically...over & over again!
She knew her moves...
Our sweet girl...
Ava with her FABULOUS teachers...Mrs. Standifer & Mrs. those smiles!
Ava & her buddies, Elise & Maggie...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

Our 'perfect' tree!
Ava insisted she help her Daddy carry it...
Adam insisted he carry the saw...
Lucky for us Santa was there...check that off the list!  (Of course, Ava wanted nothing to do with him!)
Start the music...let the season officially begin!...Merry Christmas!