Thursday, September 29, 2011

Apple Day!

Today was 'Apple Day' in Kindergarten...lots of projects with apples!  It was just fun to be there and share the moment with Adam...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Ava's First 'Special Person' Day!

Ava & Mrs. Stephens! (We are still working on less flashing & more sitting like a lady!)
So excited...
That's better!
Calendar time...
Making her 'A'...
When I first asked Ava if I could stay on her 'Special Person' Day she clearly said..."No!" Then she said..."For just a teensy bit"...Well, I couldn't resist staying the whole time (which I think she liked after all!)...I just figured it would be my ONLY chance! Oh, my independent Ava!

Do you recognize the dress Tini?  Yes, it was Carolyne's...Ava calls it her 'Preschool Dress'!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Gettting Ready...

Tomorrow is Ava's first 'Special Person Day', time to pick out something to share & come up with clues for it.  Can you guess what she wanted to take?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy! We LOVE you!

Sharing Our New Favorite Beach...

Today Samar, George & Clive came down to see us & off we went to Bella Bella Beach!

I know, I looks like a tornado is coming...but, actually it was quite warm (hence why the boys took off their shirts...okay, it wasn't that warm, but it wasn' that cold either!)  And the sun even came out from time to time!  We were determined!
Crazy boys...
Ava's shell collection...
P.S.  Samar & I were in sweatshirts!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Our Pretty Girl...

Ava's first photos of the year from Mrs. Stephens...Did I mention the perk of having a preschool teacher who is also a professional photographer?...Love it!
To say Ava is LOVING preschool is a HUGE understatement!  Our Miss Independent!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ava's First Day of Preschool!

Ava is SO ready!
Our big school-going kiddos!
Flowers for our favorite Mrs. Stephens...
We are SO proud of you Ava Jean!  We LOVE you SO, SO much!  Have a great first day of preschool big girl! xoxo!
I asked Ava is she wanted us to stay...she quickly, with confidence, said, "No!"  So off we went!  I did peek back in early to watch (without her knowing)...oh, she is a funny little kid!  (Thank goodness Mrs. Stephens thinks so too!)  Our first lesson with Ava for preschool...she needs to wear leggings under her dresses...we've got a flasher!  Here we go!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Go Huskies!

Kevin & Adam's first game together...just the boys!

Always love a Dawg Victory!...Go Huskies!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Adam's First Bus Ride to School...& Home

Today is Adam's first full day of school & his first day riding the & from school!...Very exciting!

On he goes...
And the look back to flash Mom a big it!  Have a great day Adam!... I love you!
And home again...(Do you see him?...He's the head in the 3rd window back from the door!...So sweet!)
Our big kid!...
Another great day of school, as told by Adam!  The excitement he has when he tells us about his day...melts our hearts!  For Mommy, it did feel a little long...I am just going to have to get used to it!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Adam's First Day of Kindergarten!

Our SUPER Kindergartner is ready!
Even Ava is excited for her big brother!
Ready with flowers for Mrs. Skaga...
Our BIG Kindergartner...
We are SO proud of you Adam & we LOVE you SO, SO much!  Have a great day!
And off we went...I got away with just a couple tears!

I have to add this...for my memory...what a sweet phone call Adam got this morning before school...Mrs. Stephens, his Preschool Teacher called Adam to wish him good luck on his first day of Kindergarten!  We already adore her, but even more so now!  Ava has her first day of Preschool next week, with her new teacher, Mrs. Stephens...lucky us!

Monday, September 5, 2011

We LOVE you Gramma & Poppy!

Thanks for coming to see us!...We love it when you do!

Last Day of Summer...

What a GORGEOUS Labor Day...we had to spend it at our new local beach, Bella Bella!  It's the last day of summer vacation for Adam...tomorrow's his big day!

Thanks Gramma for snapping all these photos!