Monday, May 25, 2009

Safety First...

We thought we lost Adam's helmet, but turns out it was in a bush, which we found a few days later (the same day I bought him a new helmet...of course!) Ava has inherited the new helmet...& she loves wearing it...yeah! (And good thing, as it has truly saved her on a few falls!)

And since she looks so sweet in it...we had to snap a few shots...too cute!

It reminds me a bit of Space Balls!...Yes?!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Congratulations Uncle Brian!

In honor of Uncle Brian completing his Fire Fighter training, Nana treated everyone to brunch at Ivar's Salmon House on Lake Union...yummy! Always happy to help celebrate! What a gorgeous day it was & spectacular views! Thanks Nana! & Congratulations Uncle Brian!

Then off to the Ballard Locks...what a fun stop! Auntie Brandy's Grandpa use to be the "Lock Master"...very impressive!
Watching the water rise with all the boats...
Kev & the boys couldn't pass up rolling down the big grassy hill...I wish I was wearing shorts to join in on the fun!
Oh, the laughter...

Water girl...
Sweet Ava...

All Ready to Go...

Adam & Ava looked so cute for our day out with the family, I just had to snap a photo (or 3) of them all dolled up!

Daddy snazzied up Adam's hair & made him look so cool!
Ava all dolled up...and look at that HUGE it!
So sweet...had to get another shot...
And another...there's that BIG smile sweet!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Beautiful Day in Magnolia...

The Lembergs where in town for Memorial Day weekend, so naturally the KDC girls (& families) had to BBQ! Samar & Thom hosted at their beautiful home in Magnolia...the views are unreal! We of course took our Kappa picture, but our kids are just too hard to get to sit altogether!

So Sad!

So sad...Ava just wanted to be held & Mommy just wanted to get a picture of her in her darling little outfit in the garden!

Ava's 1st Swim Lesson & A Sad Day for Mommy...

This morning was Ava's 1st swim lesson...she cried for about 75% of it! This morning was also a sad moment for Mommy...after I took this picture below, I dropped my camera on the lens with it this is the last picture with this camera...a very sad moment (& expensive one...Jodi, I feel your pain!)...Luckily, Gramma is here and has her brand new camera with her...she made me wear the wrist strap when I used it...ha! (Once a mother, always a mother...right?!)
No smile from Ava...but at least she wasn't crying!
She is happy to be done with that...and oh so cute in her new towel!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Poppy & Gramma are here!

We are so excited to have Poppy & Gramma here for the long Memorial Day Weekend! We started our weekend off with Poppy's favorite...lunch at Anthony's! Today we tried their Point Defiance location...what a gorgeous day with great views...
Then we strolled down the beach walk to Owen Beach to enjoy more of this FABULOUS was a little "chilly" for my Californian folks...ha!

Look at that hair blowing...
Ava loves to eat rocks...yummy...
But LOVED the ice cream even more!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ava's Walking...YEAH!

She finally did it! Ava let go & walked all by herself! YEAH!!!

We are so proud of you, Ava!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Camano Island

Off we headed to the Richard's home on Camano Island...what fun we had! I think I could move here! Look at all those crabs! (Or what just looks like dirty water!)
Dig, dig, dig...

Nice rock, Ava!
Wow, look at the size of those crabs!
My goofy (but funny) kid!

Thanks Kevin, Jaime & Ainsley!

Friday, May 15, 2009