Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dawg Saturday

While I was home on bed-rest, Kevin & Adam were off to Husky Stadium for a little Spring Husky Football. One of the players...Jake Locker, know him?...seem to take a liking to his little protege. (Kevin had to be creative in his photo snapping, as no posed pictures are allowed until after the official photo day later this month.)

Adam needed a little help half way down, as if he didn't know where he was going...

Our current Husky Star Quarterback with the future Husky Star Quarterback...(I know, I know, Adam will probably be a Left Tackel or something...a Mom can dream, can't she!)

Adam & Blake working on their game plan...

I'm open...

Adam already perfecting his craft, look at that follow through...

Adam's new buddy, Jake...

Adam trying to take the ball away from Jim Owens...Kev thought Poppy might like that!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Adam's New Used Ride

Thanks to Auntie, Uncle Brian, Chase & Ryder for the fun, as Adam would say... "Truck to Drive"

There's that scowl again when Adam says "Cheese!"

Quite the Happy Crasher...he gets that from his Auntini!

Already yelling at the other drivers...he gets that from Poppy!


Off he goes...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Tulip Festival

Too sweet! (Adam IS saying cheese...but his smile seems to come out looking more like a scowl these days...hope this one passes soon)

Adam...wrong family picture!

Trying to get Adam to stand still for a picture isn't always so easy...especially when he is jumping around, watching a little girl walk by or just walking off and being done with saying are the 6 I didn't delete...each sweet in their own way!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Seattle Aquarium

Touching the Starfish with Lucy & Mason...

Adam thinking his feet are as big as Mommy's!

Adam with buddies Brady, Lucy, Blake & half of Mason!

Oh, how our lives have changed...

Resting after our long, fun day...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Always a Helper!

Adam loves to help Mommy with EVERYTHING!

Sometimes he takes after his Daddy & gets distracted by the TV...

But finishes strong!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Time to Say Good-bye

Thanks for visiting Poppy & Gramma...I love you!

It's never easy to do...